Ohio Auditor

Stark County Property Tax

Real estate taxes are calculated based on the appraised value of properties, which are the source of funding for school systems, special districts, counties, cities, towns, and villages. The tax revenue is used to maintain roads, support public services like parks and libraries, and pay for law enforcement, schools, and fire protection.

The second half of 2022 real estate property taxes are due on July 19, 2023. Late payment will charge a 10% penalty plus interest.

How to Pay the Real Estate Taxes?

There are a variety of options to pay your real estate taxes as follows:

Pay Online: You can pay your taxes online using credit cards and online bank on the website.

Pay Taxes Online

The use of credit cards will charge a convenience fee. Make your check payable to The Stark County Treasurer and have it mailed to the Stark County Treasurer. Please note that your Parcel Number is your account number.

Pay by Phone: Please call 1-877-690-3729 and use the jurisdiction code 4518 to pay the taxes by credit card. A convenience fee will be charged.

Pay by Mail: You can mail your taxes by placing a check or money order with your parcel number on it in the envelope provided with your property tax bill and include the bill stub(s). If the payment is made before the due date, mail it to Stark County Treasurer, P.O Box 24815, Canton, Ohio 44701-4815. If the payment is made after the due date, mail it to Stark County Treasurer, 110 Central Plaza South, Suite 250, Canton, Ohio 44702-1410.

Pay by Drop Box: The drop box is located in the lobby of the Stark County Office Building, 110 Central Plaza South. Please deposit your tax bill stub(s) and check(s) in an envelope. The lobby is open Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM.

Pay in Person: You can pay your taxes at The Stark County Treasurer's Office. See contact information about the Stark County Treasurer below.

For more payment options, please visit the Real Estate Tax page.

Contact the Stark County Treasurer

Address: County Administration Building, 110 Central Plaza South, Suite 250, Canton, OH 44702-1410
Phone: 330-451-7814
Fax: 330-451-7815
Email: treasurer@starkcountyohio.gov

County Auditor